Logical Mind Map- is directly connected to stereotypes. It comprises of solely stereotype words. Which means that every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its links.
Associated Mind Map- using an associated mind map we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection.
The Rules of Logical Mind Mapping
- Always have your SUBJECT in the center of the page.
- Try to make the subject more dominant than the rest of the words and images in the mind map.
- Decide on the main categories of the subject before executing on mind map.
- Try to have the different categories in different colours, to make it easier to identify.
- Try to use drawings or images to make your mind map more interesting and personal.
- The ideal mind map should be shaped like the roots of a tree, branching out from a center.
- It is OK to repeat words or even interlink certain words.
- Try to make your mind map neat and easily legible. REMEMBER one of the aims of the mind map is to create interest and to be able to access information easily.
Benefit of Logical Mind Mapping Technique
- It is a concise way of listing and categorizing a mass of information.
- The relationship between each word will help trigger memories and greatly reduce the amount of note taking and assist in the understanding of the subject.
- The more interesting the mind map the greater the interest that the on looker will have in the information.
- The usage of images along side with word will again create interest for the mind map as assist in triggering a memory of the subject.
The Rules of Associated Mind Mapping
- Always keep your mind open and relaxed.
- Start off with the Subject (word or image) dominating the center of the page.
- Immediately branch off in to main categories as you would in a Logical Mind Map.
- Pick a link and start expanding. Write the first thing that comes to mind in relationship to the word.
Eg: Malaysia- Hot- Sun- Sun block- SPF UV Protection. - The links in the Associated mind map do not have to link directly with the central subject, but instead is only linked to the words surrounding it.
- Try to put down the first thing that comes to your mind. An Associated mind map is supposed to be fast.
- Sometimes we tend to get excited and go on and on. But REMEMBER the ideal mind should be shaped like the roots of a tree, branching out from the center, the same rule applies for the Associated mind map.
- Have fun. The best Associated mind maps are created when in a relaxed frame of mind.
Benefit of Associated Mind Mapping Technique
- In the creation of an Associated mind map there will be the presence of Stereotype and Random words and the difference between the Logical mind map and the Associated mind map is the frame of mind when executing the mind map.
- It is a concise way of listing and categorizing a mass of Random words.
- The non- relationship between each word and subject will help to generate better ideas and greatly reduce the amount of stereotypes in the solution of a problem.
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